What's Going Down at TLS:
Updates are happening! Yay! So please continue to check back...
Friday 21st March, 2003 Check out the new fic, Runaground. I would also be really pleased if anybody could finish Final Fantasy for me, as I don't have much time to complete it. But please keep sending in any entries. -Rynn and Skie
Comments from the Regulars “The first day I came in I was flabbergasted at the skill in the ficcers and the hardwork that has gone into the site. It's very easy to navigate around the site, and the banners are great even if I do say so myself! Yours too Brenny! They make a really big impact to the site and makes it more interesting to look at.” -Jai “I would say TLS is a great way for writers to know one another and see how other
authors write. I think that people are able to speak their minds and put them into stories. In a way it is also a helping site
because you can go there and chat to other authors about your own work. Get feedback
and opinion from others. “TLS is amazing. The amount of work Bren pumps into editing, proofing, marking-up, creating the pages, navigation, tweaking and finally publishing the fictions is super-human. When I heard Bren was resigning I could tell it had burnt him out. I have seen the amount of emails he receives in regards to TLS and you would think it was a full-time job. Good luck with the future Bren and hopefully you can now continue writing your own fiction.” -Corey Unpublished Work The following files were submitted to TLS but unfortunately were not published. TLS is now no longer accepting Publish Requests, nor plan to begin re-accepting them until a suitable webmaster is found. We deeply apologise to these authors - we are not saying their fiction does not deserve a place here on TLS, just that recent events have unfortunately have made these Publish Requests suffer as a result. Here are the submitted files below. Chapter 1,2 and 3 - Murder at the Castle Hotel.doc Top 10 reasons how to tell you are stuck in a Linkin Park fan fiction: 10) One or more of the members has died due to some horific disaster (ie: car crash, suicide, ect.) -Kate 9) when you meet Linkin Park after they've been dead for a year! -Emma 8) I know I'm in a fic if nothing goes the way it does in real life. -Roxa 7) Sitting here reading everyone's awesome stories, wondering when I am gonna get put into someone else's story besides my own. -Tasia 6) Your lastname is mysteriously Hahn, Shonida, etc. -Jackie 5) you visit ff.net and joke "i wonder what we're doing this time?" -Corey 4) when i'm reading it and i'm like 'hey thats me'! -Jai 3) when 2 of the members are having an affair with each other. -Kim 2) bumping into Mike in Cali we get married the next day. -Ali 1) Two or more of the band are gay lovers. -Maz Website Design | Brendan Banner Graphics | Jai Catering and Tea Making | Maz The Linkin Story, http://thelinkinstory.tripod.com, does not own the Band Linkin Park, nor have asked permission from the Band, Warner Music, or their managers to use the Band's characters on this website. All fictions are hosted by The Linkin Story, and all fictions remain the property and responsibility of their Author. Authors may freely change their fictions hosted by TLS; including the removal, update, or change of their story; provided the request is made through a PURC email (Publish, Update, Remove, or Change) to the Webmaster. The Linkin Story does not necessarily agree with the views of Authors, nor does it take responsibility should any Users of the website take offence to an Author's particular view or opinion. While all reasonable care is taken to proofread fictions for unsuitable content for minors, there may be some cases where Users under the age of 15 may be exposed to language, sexual references, or violence contained in the fictions. The Linkin Story is currently working with icra.org to self regulate the website by installing ICRA tags to block unsuitable content to minors. Please visit the ICRA website for more details. Parents concerned about the content of The Linkin Story and other Linkin Park fan sites should consider using Content Filtering applications, such as NetNanny and SurfSafely to further protect their children's internet sessions. Users who think fan fiction is real need their heads examined.
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TOP | Last updated 24 March 2002 11:29 (AUS EST / +1000 GMT). |